Articles on: Order Center

Bulk Fulfill Orders

Zopi streamlines your ordering process, allowing you to place bulk orders with your suppliers in just a few clicks. Follow this guide to navigate the process and get your orders fulfilled in no time.

How to fulfill orders in bulk


Login to Zopi, go to the Order Center page > Placement tab.

Access the Ready to order sub-tab.

Check the box located on the left side of your order list to select all unfulfilled orders.

Click Place all Orders located in the upper right corner of your order list.

On the Order Confirmation card, review the order details and click Confirm.

Zopi will auto-fulfill one-by-one orders. Then Zopi will auto-move to fulfill the next order, until the last order.

For orders placed on Temu, you will be redirected to the Checkout of Temu. Choose a payment method and click Submit order to complete the process.

For orders placed on AliExpress/CJ Dropshipping, if successful, your orders will be moved to the Payment tab. You then go to the AliExpress/CJ Dropshipping sub-tab, click Make payment on the AliExpress/CJ Dropshipping order card of the orders you want to pay for. You will be directed to the Orders page on AliExpress and Store Orders page on CJ Dropshipping. Finally, select a payment method to complete the payment.

After successfully completing the payment to your suppliers, they will handle packaging and shipping. The order status will update to 'Awaiting Shipment' under the Shipment tab in Zopi. Once a tracking code is generated, it will automatically update and categorize orders into different sub-statuses under Shipment and sync the tracking code to your Shopify store. This allows you to track your orders in real-time without needing to switch back to the supplier's site.

Now you understand how to fulfill your orders through Zopi, hopefully you can have all your orders fulfilled successfully.

Curious to read more? Check out additional articles:

Fix Failed Orders Missing Phone Number due to AliExpress Regulations
The shipping method is N/A on my order, how can I resolve this?
Orders not appearing on AliExpress

Updated on: 10/01/2025

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