Articles on: Order Center

Place Orders Manually on AliExpress

There are some special cases when you want to place orders yourself. Zopi can help you with it by letting you manually input the Source Order No. and update the order status. Check out the instructions below for details.

How to order manually and pay on AliExpress site
How to get the AliExpress Order Number
How to update the Order Status on Zopi

Let's jump in!

How to order manually and pay on the AliExpress site


Go to and log into your AliExpress account.

Find your desired product.

Choose the Size, Color, and Shipping Method on the product page, and tap Buy Now to place your order.

Meanwhile, to purchase multiple items at one time, you can tap Add to Cart and combine the orders on your shopping cart.

Provide shipping address.

Select a payment method with the payment information and card info. Then, click Confirm.

Click Place Order.

How to get the AliExpress Order Number

When you make a purchase on AliExpress, the order number is immediately generated. The format of these order numbers is similar to the examples provided: 502370139095420, 70050660905420, and 86087307282773. You can find your order's number on AliExpress as follows:


From your AliExpress account, locate the My Orders section and navigate to the selected orders.

The Order No. on AliExpress is displayed right next to the Order details.

Click Copy.


How to update the Order Status on Zopi


Log into Zopi > Order Center > Placement tab.

Access the Ready to order / Needs attention sub-tab.

Tick the checkbox next to the chosen order ID.

Click Manually fulfill.

In the Pop-up, paste the AliExpress Order No. copied.

Click Save.

The order will be moved to the Payment tab along with its order number.

The order is almost ready to ship and the order status on Zopi will switch to Awaiting Shipment sub-tab under the Shipment tab.

If it doesn't update and move to the Shipment tab for a long time, kindly click the Sync order status button in the Order center to promptly update it for your orders.

Curious to read more? Check out additional articles:

Why I should not request fulfillment on Shopify?
Getting the Order Tracking Code with AliExpress (AE) automatically
Track Your Orders with Ease

For any further concerns or problems, please do not hesitate to contact us via the Live chat window on the right screen or email us via

Updated on: 20/12/2024

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