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Troubleshooting Missing Mapping Data Issues

Occasionally, you might encounter a scenario in Zopi where the product mapping data is lost. This occurs when the product is missing the supplier's URL link or the product is missing variants. Below, we'll go over two types of mapping methods to address this issue.

This article contains the following sections:

Mapping for products on the Product Center
Mapping for orders on the Order Center

Let's jump in!

Mapping for products on the Product Center

There are two situations you should take into account:

Situation 1: The product is missing variants

Due to AliExpress product updates, some variants may go missing. You can simply remap the changed variants without the need to remap all variants.


Login to Zopi > Product Center > Listed products (Mapped)

Hover over the product with the issue "Some variants are changed by supplier" and click Update Supplier.

Click Remap variant with current supplier

Edit the product mapping:

Choose between Variant Group or Per Variant.

In the Select a variant drop-down menu, select the variants corresponding to the original variants and click Map.

Once done mapping, click Update on store.


Login to Zopi > Product Center > Listed products (Unmapped)

Hover on the Product Card of the product for which you want to remap and click Update Supplier.

Pasting the URL of your AliExpress product in the search field.

TIP: If you lost the AliExpress URL link, you can make use of the Find Similar Supplier feature, which provides quick results based on product research.

Edit the product mapping:

Choose between Variant Group or Per Variant.

Decide whether to keep or replace the current variants, content, and images of your product with the new supplier's.

Once done mapping, click Update on store.

Now, check out your successfully mapped products in the Listed Products (Mapped) section.

Mapping for orders on the Order Center


Login to Zopi > Order center.

Access the To Order tab and select the order.

Click the chain icon to enter the URL of your product in the search field.

TIP: While mapping, you can find suppliers easily using the Find Similar Supplier feature, which provides quick results based on product research.

Click Map.

You've done it! Now, you can place the order like you normally would.

IMPORTANT NOTE: This mapping method applies exclusively to individual orders. To ensure seamless fulfillment of future orders, it's essential to map your products.

To avoid receiving the same error message in the next orders, check here to learn how to update supplier.

Curious to read more? Check out additional articles:

Learn How To Update Supplier
Place Order Failed - Explained
Fulfill Orders Automatically with the Zopi app

If you have any further concerns or problems, please do not hesitate to contact us via the Live chat window on the right screen or email us via

Updated on: 05/07/2024

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